But here's something I don't get. The other hunter was all about his dps, and obviously I am too, but protect your healer! I had a palidan back in the BC days, she had a funny spec. Ret/Holy. But she wasn't a bad off healer and a decent off tank. She needed the gear to heal better, but she could heal. And I'll be damned if I didn't die more when I was healing then when I was off-tanking! Which makes no sense because logically the healer shouldn't be taking damage. And no before you say anything it wasn't because I coudln't keep my tank healed, it was because the tank couldn't get aggro before the dps started wailing on shit. Or they wouldn't all target the same thing. It always annoys me when tanks mark stuff in Heroics but it usually seems to go better if they do. Its not the hard to figure out, no heals=die. So protect heals=live. Ok, done with the Warcraft speech for the moment.
I can't say I know much, going to go home and see if I can figure out why the Linksys routers aren't cooperating with the WildBlue satellite. I really need to straighten my room but I don't want to. It bothers me its a mess but I don't want to do anything about it, lazyness yes! That's what being a ninja is all about!
Anyone else psyched about the Assassin's Creed psp coming out? Yes of course you are. You all have preorders just like me. Anyone know if it's like the God of War edition and have Altair's face on the back? Part of me wants that the other part doens't care as I've already bought a skin for it ...
Yes I know its a nearly naked girl. No it doesn't bother me. Acutally I think the art is wicked. But oh, what's that you want the second ps3 game? Well yes I want that too... Need a ps3 first. ... I belive I know what I want for Christmas.
Ok speaking of Christmas I already had decided what I'm getting for myself. Asus G51Vx-A1 Pretty isn't it? Its the precious. ^_^ Now I really don't like the pricetag on it but I refuse to get a laptop larger then a 15.6 and I refuse to not have the newest Nvidia. Yes I know, I should get a 17" and not have to pay as much, but I'm sorry. I hike, I camp. I want to play WoW on the go, and although I can climb a 50ft rock face like Spidy I'm not strong for the long haul. And my mothers laptop is a 17". Yes its cool cause its large but its so freaking heavy! Not to mention it takes up so much room! I want something light and compact but still has all the goodies. Anyone who finds something better let me know as I don't completly have my heart set on an Asus, but I haven't found anything better and I've tried building at Dell and HP.
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